Response to Jack

This Key and Peele seen is probably the most widely known skit and the most classic Key and Peele scene.  When the teacher walks in and starts talking about how he has taught in the inner city for twenty years you know there will be some sort of confrontation.  That thought is definitely reestablished when you see the class is majority white students in what looks to be a private school.  Jack I loved how you related it to the superiority theory.  I had never thought of this scene like that and now this scene is way funnier and makes a lot more sense.  When the teacher continually calls out the incorrect pronunciations one would think that as the kids corrected them he would reconsider and see he was wrong.  But as seen in the video he thinks he knows so much more and keeps correcting them while he throws a fit at each correction.  Another aspect that could contribute to his anger is the fact that there is a stipulation about substitute teachers and how the kids will usually act up and mess with the teacher.  So, his judgement could have been skewed here if he were thinking that all the students were working together to get under his skin.  All in all this is a great video and a great take on it. 10/10


  1. Why do you think this is the often considered the most popular K&P skit?


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