Response to Anna Kathleen

I'll start by saying that this blog post puts all previous blog posts to shame.  The detail this post takes is absurd and very appreciated.  It makes me, as someone who always does the minimum, appreciate what quality work looks like.  Now about the video.  I'm not going to lie when I saw that the video was seven minutes long I groaned a little and almost didn't watch it.  I probably would not have watched it if the blog post was not so intriguing.  Thank you for that.   The video was very good and I found it highly humorous.  I had never heard of Jeanne Robertson before and am glad to have heard her skit now.  In the video it becomes quite clear she has a target audience.  When the camera pans out to the audience you see older couples who have probably experienced similar mishaps in their daily routine.  This story resonates so well with everyone though because even if you haven't had that same exact experience it pulls upon other things that you have misunderstood just like this.  I know for me there have been countless times that I have misunderstood simple instruction so I feel for Mr. Left Brain.  The comment she made about how one's left brain will always kick in no matter how smart they are is also very relatable, at least to me it is.  Another aspect of the video that makes it funny is her ability to tell the story.  The delivery of a joke or a story is often highly overlooked.  With a bad delivery a good joke can result in crickets and a good delivery of a bad joke can get you lots of laughter.  I wouldn't know about the latter I can never tell a story.  10/10 loved the video.


  1. I agree that Anna-Kathleen did an excellent job. I'm sure you can put in the full effort if you put your mind to it! You also point out the important role of delivery in comedy. Where does that fit in to the theories?


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